Warfighter is a Jerry G. Angelo film from Fire Born Studios for which he is writer/director/executive producer. The story for Warfighter centers around Navy Seal Rusty Wittenburg aka ‘Wolfman’, who is suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, but must go back into a warzone.
Take a look at the Warfighter trailer:
Rusty Wittenburg is a muscular looking man with a full, dark beard, who carries himself like a man you can trust, but whose trust you don’t want to betray. Wittenburg is played by Jerry G. Angelo who, even in this short trailer, shows real screen presence as a man who can, by turns, be a gentle loving husband/father or a battle ready warrior.
Rusty and his team, which includes Paul Logan as Captain Jerry Pope, Isaac C. Singleton Jr. as Casper, and Joshua Santana as Lucas ‘Scorpion’, are home on leave from their duties as Navy Seals, but in the trailer, you can see that Wittenburg has not left behind the things from the field of battle that have left an open wound on his soul. Which are in turn, causing him to suffer nightmarish bouts of post traumatic stress disorder.
The trailer for Warfighter is filled with very powerful imagery that, at first viewing seems to be too disjointed and scattershot to give a clear sense of the movie. Yet, the trailer perfectly personifies the very nature of PTSD and how it leaves the person suffering with it feeling like their lives are disjointed and scattershot between living a ‘normal life’ while trying to cope with flashbacks to devastating events that stretch the boundaries of the human capacity to completely compartmentalize the brutality of war and killing. In Warfighter, we have Rusty Wittenburg unable to fully commit to healing as he still has one foot at home and safety; the other still in war as he and the team are sent to rescue other Delta team members who have become trapped behind enemy lines.
The trailer for Warfighter makes me want to see the movie, and not just because one of my favorites, Paul Logan, is in it. Having him as part of it is an added bonus, because I know he has the kind of talent and screen presence to make the role of Captain Jerry Pope stand out. It’s the concept of dealing with PTSD and how horrific it can be for the sufferer. Having an Uncle who came back from Vietnam with this weighing on him, watching him slowly destroy himself with alcohol because there was no professional help, makes bringing awareness to PTSD a topic close to my heart.
If I have one issue with the trailer for Warfighter, it’s that the other men in Jerry’s team seem a bit to clichéd, with not much touched on about them to give a little more intrigue or ‘flesh’ to them. This is a trailer and not the full movie, so I will wait and see if this is the norm for the movie or what else transpires for the others. One of the parts I like the most about the Warfighter trailer, is the narration by Paul Logan. He has such a richly, resonate timbre to his voice, that it lends the right amount of drama and strength to the Warfighter trailer.
Ciao a tutti quando esce il film in Italia?