London Fields tells the story of a clairvoyant, femme fatale named Nicola Six who has been living with a dark premonition of her impending death. She begins a tangled love affair with three uniquely different men: one of whom she knows will be her murderer.
This premise is very intriguing to me, and the trailer for the film is even more so. This film is based on the book of the same name and has been in the works for quite some time. We get Amber Heard, Billy Bob Thornton, Theo James, Jim Sturgess, Cara Delevingne, and more, making up a fascinating cast of great actors who will all bring something unique to this film.
Check out the trailer below, but be aware, there is strong language and nudity:
So, what did you think of the trailer for London Fields? Are you looking forward to seeing it? I, for one, am definitely interested in seeing this film. Let me know what you think in the comments section below and be sure to look out for London Fields in theaters this Summer.
I'm looking forward to seeing this film, so many good actors! The trailer looks great.