Monday, September 12, 2016

Movie Review: PARALLEL

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to let your dark side out?  Would you be able to contain it?  The new film, Parallel, is about that and so much more.  When Neil and Heather meet, it's love at first sight, and they enjoy a whirlwind romance, that is, until they meet Machlis, a clairvoyant with a very unique ability.  This chilling psychological drama makes you question what you would do just to get a glimpse at a darker side of yourself, and whether or not you could keep that side at bay.

When I started this film, I had absolutely no idea what to expect.  Going into it completely blind, which is something I rarely get the chance to do, gave me the chance to experience the director's vision without any preconceived notions of what to expect.  And right off the bat, I was intrigued.  

Writer and director David Magowan (who also play the lead in the film, Neil) gives us a story unlike any I'd seen before.  The idea of being able to see what your darker side would be like and not actually knowing whether it's real or not was definitely what hooked me while watching this film.  The other was the performance by Brian Carter who played Machlis.  Right from the first scene with him, you weren't sure if you could trust him, but you wanted to.  He gave off a very believable, creepy tone, yet stayed likable.  

I loved the use of black & white to show the difference between the "real world" and the "parallel".  I was never once confused about which world I was seeing, which allowed me to focus on the story being told.  The film also had some fun dialogue, with my favorite exchange being "He's a medium." "Oh yeah? Well I'm an extra large."  For some reason that one stuck with me.

My biggest issue with the film was the sound design throughout.  There were times where the music in the scene overpowered the dialogue so much that it was difficult to understand what was being said.  Other times it seemed like the volume just bottomed out all of a sudden, and then would get very loud.  But otherwise, I enjoyed watching this film, and the twist ending was really well done.  So, if you're looking for something different and interesting to watch, why not give Parallel a try.  

The Merc's Score: 6.5/10

Check out the trailer below:

You can check out more from Parallel at their OFFICIAL WEBSITE, where you can also buy the film, and on FACEBOOK.  And make sure to check us out and like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Instagram for all of our reviews, news, trailers, and much, much more!!!

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